A Bollywood Pilgrimage Tale
Digital Illustration

Passionate about Bollywood, Spirituality and Architecture, I started a research named “The parallelism between the mise en scène used in Hinduism rituals & Bollywood movies: How the stars are becoming new gods of India.”

The common characteristics between the two fields which inspired this illustration are:

- The set design techniques and aesthetics.
- The wider experience surrounding the ritual.
- The worship of the hero during and after the performance.

These prints have a very special meaning for me, as they represent my ongoing research as well as a meditative illustration process that I  followed during the past few months.

I hope you like it as much as I do! And if you would like to get your own print, don’t hesitate to visit my online shop!


If you would like to request a specific size, contact me at mariana@marianagella.com